Whole Person Acupuncture

6527 21st Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115(720) 515-0130

We spend lots of time and money treating symptoms. Over time our energy drops, and we stop doing the things we love. We often spend less time with family, and friends. If nothing changes, we know this is not likely going to improve.

Eventually we spend lots of time at doctors office, and take expensive pills, and supplements. If we're unlucky we need surgery, and then spend more time in recovery, with a lifetime of dependence on medications and health care expenses.

We intuitively know that popping the tylenol for an occasional headache is probably ok, but if we keep taking pills, we will ruin our digestion and cause further problems if we don't treat the cause of this.

Acupuncture has been used for 5,000 years to address the root cause of the disease in our unique biology before symptoms cause dependence on medication. The need for supplementing with medications tends to drop as symptoms resolve naturally from the inside out. Over a course of treatment, you get lasting results that you take with you for a lifetime.

By the time people end up in hospitals, they're treating the result of what happened. They're not treating the original problem. Western medicine tends to start with the result by the time you see them. By that time, recovering your health is a long road ahead. With acupuncture, we go right to the cause, and when that happens, the symptoms of pain, and imbalance go away. This has a ripple effect throughout your system. The things which are compensating for the imbalance no longer send alarms throughout the system, and cause unwanted effects.

Having what it takes ...

Short term investment pays off and saves you time and money. May of us intuitively know we should probably change our lifestyle, but we just don't have it in us. We've run out of energy for big changes, and our condition prevents us from doing what we know we should. Guilt soon sets in. Everyone is telling us we need to change, but it's not natural, and soon things become hopeless. We isolate ourselves more and spend less time doing our hobbies and being with our friends and families.

Acupuncture is great for this type of individual, because it actually helps us feel different. Change no longer feels so difficult, and unpleasant. In fact, we get back our energy and drive again. Our attitudes change naturally without prompting. We actually start wanting to change, so it happens.

You start feeling food again from inside your core. This feeling is different than the feeling you get with medications. When you're actually ready to start making change, it happens more easily and automatically for you. Soon you find that the changes you thought were so hard are now easy.

Therefore, the lifestyle changes begin when you get comfortable with how you are actually feeling. This happens when we treat the root cause of the imbalance which is causing you to feel the way you do today. Once you feel better, you think better, more clearly, and effectively. Your body is no longer bothering you. This better feeling naturally gives rise to new actions. You simply do the things which a person who feels good would normally do. When you do the things which feel good, you get healthy.

It is a total reversal of traditional understanding of lifestyle habits.

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